Bridget Riley | Late Curve Prints: Drinks to celebrate Friday 10 March 5-7pm

10 March - 6 April 2023
"One cannot tackle the instability and infinite variety of colour relationships without relying on some sort of formal backbone…when I started to use the curve again, this time as a rhythmic vehicle for colour."

Bridget Riley on her use of the curve says: “…one cannot tackle the instability and infinite variety of colour relationships without relying on some sort of formal backbone…when I started to use the curve again, this time as a rhythmic vehicle for colour. This was different from the earlier paintings like Cataract. By using twisted curves I could bunch up colour sensations in a way that went further than the lateral groupings…  When colours are twisted along the rise and fall of a curve their juxtapositions change continually. There are innumerable sequences, each of which throws up a different sensation. From these I build up clusters which then flow one into another almost imperceptibly…my formal scaffolding is buried to such an extent that it becomes subservient to the ‘action’ of the colour” (Robert Kudielka on Bridget Riley: Essays and interviews since 1972, Riding House, London, 2014).